Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Резервацияулица Na Pankráci 15/1684, Прага Nusle, 14000 Прага 4 ← Прага Вне центра • показать на карте
Pojdi na: Резервация • Номера • описание • Cредства • Правила отеля • Прага • Oкрестности
описание - Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Cредства - Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Лифт
- Отопление
- Номера для некурящих
- Чистка обуви
- Бизнес-центр
- Факс/Ксерокопирование
- Камера хранения багажа
- Круглосуточная стойка регистрации
- Фитнес-центрБесплатно
- Фитнес-центрБесплатно
- Терраса
Питание и напитки
- Бар
Правила отеля - Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Дата заезда:
Прием открыт:
Персонал говорит:
English, Čeština, Deutsch
Порядок Аннуляции Заказа:
Правила отмены бронирования и предоплаты зависят от категории номера. Пожалуйста, введите даты проживания и ознакомьтесь с условиями бронирования для требуемого номера.
Детей и предоставление дополнительных кроватей:
При размещении Вce детей до 19 лет на имеющихся кроватях проживание им предоставляется бесплатно.
Интересные места в Праге
- Собор Св. Витуса
4.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Староместская площадь
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Вацлавская площадь
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Староместская ратуша
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Рудольфинум
3.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Храм Девы Марии перед Тыном
3.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Анежский монастырь
3.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Пражская Лорета
4.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Клементинум
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Общественный дом
3.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Staroměstská mostecká věž
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Кафедральный собор святых Кирилла и Мефодия
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Церковь Святого Николая
3.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Храм Девы Марии Победоносной
3.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Chrám Panny Marie Sněžné
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Церковь Святого Игнатия Лойолы
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Храм Девы Марии под цепью
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Храм Святого Франциска Ассизского
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - kostel sv. Tomáše
3.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Вышеград
850 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Пражский Град
4.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Španělská synagoga
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Старый мост
- Карлов мост
3.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Страговский монастырь
4.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Валленштейнский дворец
4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Пражская государственная опера
2.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Национальный театр
2.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Stavovské divadlo
3.1 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Любимые места
- Пражский зоопарк
6.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kampa
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Петршин
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Oкрестности - Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Собор Св. Витуса
4.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Rotunda sv. Martina
980 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Bazilika sv. Petra a Pavla
1.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vyšehradský hřbitov a Slavín
1.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Nemocnice u Apolináře
1.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Podskalská celnice na Výtoni
1.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Emauzy
1.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Faustův dům
1.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Palackého most a okolí
2.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Новоместская ратуша
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Памятник Святому Вацлаву
2.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Kostel Panny Marie a svatého Karla Velikého a muzeum Police
1.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - kostel sv. Apolináře
1.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kostel sv. Kateřiny
1.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kostel sv. Jana Na Skalce
1.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Церковь Святого Игнатия Лойолы
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kostel sv. Štěpána
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kostel sv. Václava na Zderaze
2.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Кафедральный собор святых Кирилла и Мефодия
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kostel Nejsvětějšího Srdce Páně
2.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Chrám Panny Marie Sněžné
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Вышеград
850 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Пражский Град
4.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Synagoga na Smíchově
2.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Jubilejní synagoga
2.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Pinkasova synagoga
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Španělská synagoga
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Старый мост
- Карлов мост
3.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Страговский монастырь
4.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Palác Žofín
2.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Palác Akropolis
2.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Валленштейнский дворец
4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Schwarzenberský palác
4.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Toskánský palác
4.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Černínský palác
4.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- TotO Divadlo
190 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Divadlo Na Fidlovačce
750 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Divadlo Na Jezerce
880 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Divadlo Rity Jasinské
1.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Malé Vinohradské divadlo
1.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Směšné divadlo Luďka Soboty
1.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Malé divadélko Praha
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vinohradské divadlo
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Divadlo na Vinohradech
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Divadlo U Hasičů
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Любимые места
- Nuselský most
910 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Botanická zahrada
1.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Танцующий дом
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Jiráskův most a okolí
2.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Люцерна
2.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Království železnic
2.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Lanová dráha
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kampa
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Zahrada Nebozízek
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Štefánikova hvězdárna
3.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
общественный транспорт (трамвай, автобус)
- Vyšehrad
140 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Klikovka
170 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Pražského povstání
310 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vozovna Pankrác
360 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Jedličkův ústav
440 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Palouček
530 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Děkanka
580 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Doliny
650 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Na Veselí
670 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Na Hřebenech
760 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Podolská vodárna
850 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - 1. Muzeum Čokolády
890 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Hrdličkovo muzeum člověka
1.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Michnův letohrádek
1.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Plynárenské muzeum
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Narodni muzeum
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Muzeum Lega
2.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Музей Альфонса Мухи
2.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Muzeum Komunismu
3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Armádní muzeum Žižkov
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Starý židovský hřbitov
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Novy židovský hřbitov
3.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Dům odborových svazů
3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Dům U černé matky Boží
3.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Dům u kamenného zvonu
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Podzemní kryt Bezovka
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Zítkovy sady
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Riegrovy sady
2.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Park Parukářka
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Seminářská zahrada
3.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vrtbovská zahrada
3.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vojanovy sady
3.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- International ART CAMPUS Prague
20 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - ART & DESIGN INSTITUT
880 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - University of New York in Prague
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vysoká škola finanční a správní
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - AKCENT College
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vysoká škola manažerské informatiky, ekonomiky a práva
2.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - České vysoké učení technické na Karlově náměstí
2.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vysoká škola mezinárodních a veřejných vztahů Praha
2.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - CEVRO Institut
2.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze
2.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Карлова площадь
2.1 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad
2.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Škroupovo náměstí
2.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Náměstí Winstona Churchilla
3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Sladkovského náměstí
3.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Křižovnické náměstí
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Olšanské náměstí
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Malostranské náměstí
3.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Basilejské náměstí
4.1 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Стадион или арена
- Zimní stadion Hasa
1.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Stadion Bohemians Praha 1905
1.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Zimní stadion Nikolajka
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Стадион Эдем
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Zimní stadion Kobra
3.0 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Stadion FK Viktoria Žižkov
3.1 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Strahovský stadion
4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - GENERALI Arena - AC Sparta Praha
4.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Тесла Арена
5.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Zimní stadion Hvězda
6.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Гостиничные объекты
- Černínský palác
4.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Станция метро
- Pražského povstání
280 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vyšehrad
550 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Pankrác
960 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Smíchovské nádraží
1.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - I.P.Pavlova
1.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Náměstí Mírů
1.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Budějovická
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Karlovo náměstí
2.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Muzeum
2.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Jiřího z Poděbrad
2.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Kandelábr
250 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Rickshaw (Hotel Corinthia)
510 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - The Grill (Hotel Corinthia)
510 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Chapadlo
1 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Huang He
1.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Samurai
2.0 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Dock House
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Alpský dvůr
2.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - U Básníka pánve
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Café Buddha
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Парковка / Возможность парковки
- Garáže Pankrác
1.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Mr.PARKIT - Garáž Kladská
2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - PARKING ANDĚL
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Central Parking Prague
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Mr.PARKIT - Garáž Španělská
2.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Veřejné garáže Radisson Blu Alcron Hotel
2.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Parking Centrum
2.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Parkoviště a garáže Hlavní nádraží
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Parkoviště ul. Štefánikova
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Parkoviště Atrium Flora
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Пражский аэропорт Вацлава Гавела (Рузыне)
13 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Nádraží Praha-Vršovice
1.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Nádraží Praha-Smíchov
1.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Praha hlavní nádraží
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Praha Masarykovo nádraží
3.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Florenc
3.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Nádraží Praha-Holešovice
5.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Praha-Libeň
6.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Praha-Vysočany
7.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Торговый центр
- Arkády Pankrác
920 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - DBK Budějovická
2.0 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Nový Smíchov
2.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Nákupní Eden
2.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - My
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Atrium Flora
3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Galerie Myslbek
3.1 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Slovanský dům
3.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Palladium Praha
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Kotva
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Výletní kino
1.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - 35 (Francouzský Institut)
2.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Mat
2.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Lucerna
2.6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Světozor
2.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Cinema City Nový Smíchov
2.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Evald
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - IMAX
3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Cinema City Flora
3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Letní kino Regina
4.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- ČUS - Plavecký stadion Podolí
1.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Žluté lázně
1.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - SK Motorlet Praha
3.0 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Lázně AXA (Hotel Axa)
3.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Sportovní a rekreacní areál Pražacka
5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Koupaliště Petynka
5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Aquadream Barrandov
5.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Relaxační centrum a bazén Homolka
5.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Sportcentrum Step
6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Plavecký areál Jedenáctka VS
6 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
- Vyšehrad
1.1 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Riegrovy sady
2.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Mrázovka
2.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Park Sacré Coeur
2.9 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Věž Staroměstské radnice
3.3 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Staroměstská mostecká věž
3.4 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Vítkov
3.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Petřínský
3.5 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Parukářka
3.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Malostranská mostecká věž
3.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Конгресс и конференция
- Пражский конгресс-центр
480 m от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Incheba Expo Praha (Výstaviště Holešovice)
5.2 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre - Выставочный центр ПВА Летняны
9.7 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre
Исторический квартал
- Malá Strana
3.8 km от Hotel Holiday Inn Prague Congress Centre